Hello neighbors, My name is Kara Welch and I'm a student in the neighborhood studying entomology (insect science) at the University of Arizona. I've been collaborating this semester with the National Phenology Network (NPN) to create a 'phenology trail' in the neighborhood. What is phenology? It is the study of life cycle stages in plants and animals. Our phenology trail showcases 10 plants in association with 10 insects that can be observed in the neighborhood and data concerning these specimens can be recorded via an app and online at the NPN website. The study of this information can be used for things like climate change modelling in the future but in the present it is a venue for promoting scientific/observational skills in the public and engagement in outdoor activities. On April 20th the NPN is hosting an outreach event to promote citizen science throughout Tucson to observe phenological events and create standardized long term data sets about the subject in the region. This event will highlight the numerous trails around the city at large and serve as the 'unveiling' of the Rincon Heights Phenology Trail and will teach the neighborhood about how to use the trail and its function. The tour of our neighborhood and the Sam Hughes trail will be at 1 pm. I've worked on this trail in connection with a class project and I have used my expertise in insect science to closely and uniquely associate our trail with insects and insect behavior. Fact sheets about these interactions will be provided on phenology day. I've attached a flyer that I will be handing out in the neighborhood to this email as well as a draft press release for the Arizona Daily Star about the day itself. Please contact me with questions, comments, or concerns at[email protected] I hope you can come out! Kara Welch
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