University of Arizona Relations
Rincon Heights proximity to the University of Arizona provides us with access to many scientific, cultural, and entertainment events. We also benefit from the time and talent of enthusiastic student organizations, such as Blue Chip and Mortar Board. The Drachman Institute has contribute expertise to help with out neighborhood planning and beautification efforts, and professors like Jim Riley and Brooks Jeffery and their students have helped with out water harvesting improvements and historic district.
Our relationship with UA administration has had times of good cooperation and times when cooperation is far from the scene. We have developed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote a better relationship with the University and to work with them to improve the residential character of Rincon Heights. This agreement has been a very important step in strengthening the neighborhood and making Rincon Heights a wonderful place to live. You will find the text of our Memorandum of Understanding with the University and the brand new University Comprehensive Plan Update. Both documents provide important directions for the mutual relationship between Rincon Heights and the University of Arizona. Rincon Heights also actively participates as a member of the Campus Community Relations Committee (CCRC). The CCRC is a committee of 8 neighborhoods around the UA, staff from UA, and City Council Wards III and VI representatives that meets monthly to exchange information on topics of mutual interest, resolve problems, and improve the relationships between the UA and its neighbors. Colby Henley and Mark Homan are the representatives from Rincon Heights. We encourage other neighbors to take part, including serving as a neighborhood representative if you are interested. Contact Colby at [email protected] if you would like to know more about this committee. You will find minutes of CCRC meetings and other information related to the CCRC at the link on the right side of the page.. UA 24-hr NEIGHBORHOOD HOTLINE 520-282-3649 |